Preventative Care Visits
Prevention is Cheaper than the Cure!

We recommend fecal screening every 6 months in accordance with the Companion Animal Parasite Health Council.We also recommend an annual fecal screen to detect intestinal parasites and a comprehensive blood panel to screen for early kidney and liver disease, diabetes, and several blood parasites common to Northeast Ohio. Anything we find in the early stages is easier and less expensive to manage than things that come up later when your pet is obviously sick.

Puppies and Kittens (Age 0-1)

We like to see puppies and kittens when they are young so that we We like to see puppies and kittens when they are young so that we (diseases that they were born with),
and love your new family member! Certain inherited diseases can include heart disease, liver shunts, bone malformations, and hernias. Our vets will also make recommendations for your pet’s preventative care plan based on their individual lifestyle and risk factors. Training, potty habits, behavior, and nutrition are all key factors to discuss with the vet during these early appointments for your fur baby. Getting your new addition used to being seen by a veterinarian in a low stress environment like MetroPet will help them look forward to it in the future, making their lifelong care easier.
Adult Pets (Age 1 to 7)

Prevention is always the best cure. Imagine if you lived your life on the ground, licking the grass and the floor that people walk on with their shoes. Imagine if you killed and ate
mice or rabbits that came from who knows where? What if you drank from the toilet occasionally? What diseases and parasites would you be exposed to? These are the diseases that our pets are exposed to every day. That is why prevention of the most commonly seen diseases and parasites in dogs and cats is paramount to their overall health.Adult pets should continue to check in yearly to have the veterinarian perform a complete examination. The veterinarian is trained to detect very subtle symptoms and abnormalities that you would not recognize at home.
We check routine “young adult” blood screening to spot check for early signs of liver or kidney disease, diabetes, and infections as well as heartworm and tick borne diseases (like Lyme disease). When these diseases are detected earlier interventions can be made that will give your pet a better quality and quantity of life, and managing early disease is usually less expensive and more effective than when the disease is caught later. +-
We check routine “young adult” blood screening to spot check for early signs of liver or kidney disease, diabetes, and infections as well as heartworm and tick borne diseases (like Lyme disease). When these diseases are detected earlier interventions can be made that will give your pet a better quality and quantity of life, and managing early disease is usually less expensive and more effective than when the disease is caught later. +-
Senior Pets (8 plus years)

In a senior pet visit, the veterinarian is looking for subtle signs of disease that could be affecting your pet’s quality of life. We want the same thing you do,
which is for your pet to live life to the fullest and for you to enjoy your days together. That is why we are so passionate about making sure senior pets are well cared for. Routine senior pet blood and urine screening can detect diseases earlier than ever, giving your pet at better prognosis and outcome. Additionally, the veterinarian can notice early symptoms of arthritis pain and offer treatments to help your pet keep the pep in their step.
Canine and Feline Services

- Geriatric Preventative Care – to help your old dog or cat feel young again!
- Complete Examination
- Puppy and Kitten Consultations – to start them off right!
- Heartworm, Flea, and Parasite Products including 6 month Heartworm injection
- Vaccinations- We are one of the most informed clinics on pet vaccines in the Berea, Strongsville, Middleburg Heights and Brook Park, Ohio areas!
- Same-day Emergency Visits for Our Established Clients (During Business Hours)
- Pet Hospice and Euthanasia
- Dentistry
- And More